
The stroke of the brain is a state where the blood supply to the brain is disturbed or stops completely due to the loss of blood supply to certain areas of the brain. It can have serious consequences for human health and functioning, including physical, psychological and psychiatric problems.

Brain stroke: terrible reality and ways to prevent

Although a stroke is often associated with older people, it can occur at any age due to various kinds of risk factors. The main causes of the stroke include high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, atherosclerosis and a sederal lifestyle.

The prevention of a stroke is crucial, and the following steps will help you reduce your risk.

  •      Support for healthy blood pressure: high blood pressure is the main cause of a stroke. Follow the indicators and take measures to control it.
  •      Follow your cholesterol: cholesterol should be normal. Eat healthy foods and avoid fatty foods to reduce your risk.
  •      Control diabetes: a high blood sugar increases the risk of stroke. Regularly check the level of glucose in the blood and follow the doctor's recommendations.
  •      Refuse smoking: smoking increases the risk of stroke. Find the ways to quit smoking, consult your doctor to get support.
  •      Maintain an active lifestyle: regular physical exercises will help strengthen the heart and blood vessels, improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of stroke.

In addition to these precautions, it is important to know the signs of a stroke in order to immediately seek medical help if they arise. These symptoms include: sharp headache, vision disorder, disorientation, weakness or numbness in the hands or legs, loss of consciousness or difficulties in coordination of movements.

A stroke is a serious disease, but in most cases it can be prevented. Take care of your health, adhere to a healthy lifestyle and consult your doctor about your individual risk of stroke. Knowledge and taking measures will help you maintain your health and prevent the occurrence of a stroke.

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