Possible complications of chickenpox in a child - symptoms and treatment

Complications of chickenpox in a child can be diverse and not so often found, but you still need to be prepared for possible complications. Among the possible complications of chickenpox in children can be:

  •          Skin infections. When the child scratches the bubbles on the skin, this can lead to infection. Signs of infection can be an increase in redness and swelling of the skin, yellowish discharge, fever.
  •          Pneumonia. In some children, chickenpox can cause pneumonia, which can become a serious complication. Symptoms of pneumonia can be similar to a cold, but if the child suddenly begins to difficult breathing, chest pain, high temperature, then you need to consult a doctor.
  •          Dangerous complication - encephalitis. Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain, which can lead to disability or even death. If a child suddenly has convulsions, vomiting, headache, then you must immediately call an ambulance.
  •          Various meningitis. This is inflammation of the shells of the brain. Signs can be similar to encephalitis, but can also turn on the stiffness of the neck, photophobia.

The treatment of chickenpox complications in a child should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Depending on the complication, appropriate medications are used, and in some cases, hospitalization may be required.

It is important to remember that chickenpox is an infectious disease that spreads through the airborne droplets, so it is necessary to observe the child's isolation from other children until complete recovery. If complications appear, you must immediately consult a doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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