Questions and answers

Digital dementia is a concept introduced by the German neuropsychologist Manfred Shpeikher in 2012. It describes the state of reduction of cognitive abilities caused by excessive use of digital technologies, such as computers, smartphones, tablets and the Internet.

Digital dementia can manifest itself in symptoms such as a decrease in concentration, memory, attention and mental abilities. People with digital dementia can experience difficulties with the organization and planning, as well as standard skills, such as reading cards and the use of analog watches.

This condition is due to the fact that the use of digital technologies, especially mobile applications and the Internet, often leads to a superficial and many hours in front of the screens, which can affect the development of the brain, especially in children and adolescents.

Some experts believe that the active use of the brain at an early age, such as reading books, conducting conversations, physical activity, is important for its normal development and preventing states similar to digital dementia.

However, not all scientists recognize digital dementia as a separate disease and consider it more likely to the result of improper use or excess time conducted on digital devices.

The choice between a male psychologist and a female psychologist can be complicated, but ultimately depends on personal preferences and the patient's comfort. Here are a few factors that can help make a decision:

     Personal preference: some people can be more convenient or more comfortable to communicate with one sex, since they feel more similarity with this gender or have preference to a certain sex.

     The needs and problems of the patient: some problems can be more easily subject to understanding a certain sex of a psychologist. For example, some women can be more comfortable discussing issues of problems or experience related to sexuality or motherhood with another woman a psychologist, and some men may prefer to discuss male identity with a psychologist.

     Experience and professionalism: it is important to make sure that the psychologist, regardless of gender, has the necessary qualifications, experience and certification.

     Chemistry and compatibility: as with any psychologist, it is important to establish good working chemistry and feel comfort and trust in the chosen psychologist. This can be more important than the sex of a psychologist.

The general recommendation is to hold the first meeting to understand which psychologist better corresponds to your personal needs and comfort.

Drassment or early reconfiguration is a process of changing and transforming the developed early patterns and strategies that arose in childhood. It is an integral part of psychotherapy and helps people overcome problematic examples of behavior, thinking and emotional reactions.

The pre -person affects us, as it forms our ideas about ourselves, other people and the surrounding world. In childhood, we ourselves create schemes and strategies that help us cope with life situations. However, these patterns can be incomplete, insufficient or even harmful, especially if we grew up in conditions where there was an injury, violence or lack of care.

Draise allows you to rethink and rebuild these early patterns in order to better understand yourself, your reactions and images of thinking. During the process, the patient works with a psychotherapist who helps to understand the source of problems and learn to replace old negative mechanisms with new, more constructive strategies.

The pre -advertising process can be somewhat emotionally difficult and demand time and effort. However, it is an important step towards personal growth and development. Patients who have undergone pre -advertising often note an increase in self -esteem, improving relations with other people and more adaptive strategies for reference to life stress.

A pre -Council is an individual process, and everyone can use it to achieve personal well -being and improve his life. If you are faced with repeating problems or feel that your reactions are inadequate, contact a psychotherapist, a specialist in the field of pre -Sorecob. He can help you understand the roots of the problem and find effective tools to solve it.

When discussing the topic of mental health and the treatment of mental disorders, questions often arise about the differences between psychologists and psychiatrists. Many people do not understand what their role consists of and which of them should be addressed to receive the necessary help. In our response, we will consider key differences between these specialists to help readers make an informed decision.

     The main entities and diplomas: a psychologist is a specialist who has received a higher psychological education, as a rule, undergraduate or magistracy. Depending on the country and the level of training, the psychologist can specialize in different fields, such as clinical psychology, developmental psychology or organizational psychology.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who receives a medical education and specialization in the field of psychiatry. For the formation of a psychiatrist, it is necessary to graduate from the medical faculty, go through the general internship and get specialization in psychiatry.

     Types of treatment and approaches to problems: psychologists are focused on the use of psychotherapy in working with clients. They can use various techniques and techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy or gestalt therapy. They usually work on solving specific problems, help patients develop stress management skills, overcome depression or anxiety, as well as work on personal growth.

Psychiatrists, on the other hand, have the opportunity to prescribe drugs and carry out pharmacotherapy. They can evaluate the symptoms of the patient, supply diagnoses and prescribe prescriptions for medicines that can help control mental disorders. Psychiatrists often work with more complex cases, such as schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder or acute psychotic syndrome.

     Type of clients and preferences: psychologists can work with all age groups, starting with children and adolescents, and ending with adults and elderly people. They can deal with specific problems, such as problems in relationships, disorders of food behavior and dependence on substances.

Psychiatrists, on the other hand, usually work with patients who have diagnosed mental disorders requiring drug treatment, etc.

Yes, sure. There is such a thing as a psychohygine. It includes a large complex of measures that will help, if possible, to avoid contacting a specialist. We must consciously approach life and those events that affect us. Choose the ways of stress preventing you personally: hobbies, walks, visits to the theater, sporting events - what is right for you. Observe the daily routine. Of course, avoid traumatic brain injuries. However, if a traumatic situation still arose, then you should not postpone a visit to a specialist, since over time the problem can become more acute.

Prevention of mental illness plays an important role in preserving the mental health of people. Mental health issues are becoming more and more relevant in modern society, where stress, depression and other mental disorders become increasingly common problems.

The prevention of mental illness includes a number of measures that help maintain mental health and prevent the occurrence of various mental disorders. Here are a few key aspects of the prevention of mental illness:

  •      Healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, regular physical exercises, sufficient rest and sleep contribute to the strengthening of mental health.
  •      Stress resistance. Learning to cope with stress, anxiety and negative emotions helps to prevent the development of mental illness.
  •      Support for the social environment. Active participation in public life, support for a social network and contacts with loved ones help to strengthen mental health.
  •      Regular consultations of a psychologist or psychiatrist. Timely circulation of professional help can identify and prevent the development of mental illness.
  •      Education and informing. Conducting various measures and educational programs for the prevention of mental illness helps to increase the level of awareness of the population.

Prevention of mental illness is an important component of public health, which helps to maintain mental health and quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to your mental state, take care of it and, if necessary, seek help from specialists.

First of all, it is important to note that the confidentiality and privacy of medical records are the fundamental principles of the work of doctors. Doctors are obliged to observe medical secrets and not disclose information about the patient's condition without his consent, with the exception of cases when it is necessary to protect the health of the patient or other people.

If you decide to consult a doctor about your mental state, this should not cause you anxiety about the possible disclosure of information or the allocation of you to a psychiatric hospital. Doctors strive to help patients and provide them with high -quality medical care, their main goal is to improve your physical and mental health.

If the doctor considers that your mental condition requires specialized service in a psychiatric hospital, he must discuss this with you and explain the reasons for this decision. At the same time, you have the right to express your opinion and decide on further actions.

It is important to remember that doctors comply with medical ethics and cannot make decisions on the creation of medical records or the patient’s removal to a psychiatric hospital without reasonable medical indications.

Thus, you should not be afraid to consult a doctor if you have worries about your mental health. Doctors are trained to help and support patients in their desire to recover and well -being. Together with the doctor, you can find the optimal solution for your case and get the necessary assistance.

L'aide des psychologues, des psychothérapeutes et des psychiatres est toujours confidentiel, mais pas anonyme. Si une personne arrive à la réception, même le fait de chercher de l'aide fait partie du secret médical, sans parler du diagnostic. Ces informations n'ont été divulguées ni au travail, ni à l'étude ou aux parents. Le médecin a le droit de divulguer ces données uniquement à la demande officielle du tribunal. Quant à l'hospitalisation à l'hôpital, cela n'est possible que dans les cas où le comportement humain menace vraiment sa vie et sa santé ou la sécurité des autres.


The help of psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists is always confidential, although not anonymous. If a person comes to the reception, then even the fact of seeking help is part of the medical secret, not to mention the diagnosis. Such information was not disclosed either at work, nor at study, or relatives. The doctor has the right to disclose this data only at the official request of the court. As for hospitalization in the hospital, this is possible only in cases where human behavior really threatens his life and health or the safety of others.

Il est préférable de contacter un psychologue lorsqu'il n'est pas possible de faire face aux problèmes de vie, mais il n'y a pas de manifestations cliniques. Par exemple, lorsque vous ne vous comprenez pas, vos sentiments et vos expériences, vous ne pouvez pas trouver de sens dans la vie. Lorsque vous avez du chagrin, des problèmes d'étude, de travail, des difficultés de relations avec les êtres chers. Un psychothérapeute doit contacter une situation traumatisante à long terme à l'apparition de symptômes psychosomatiques prononcés, tels que des troubles persistants du sommeil, une perte d'appétit, des troubles du rythme cardiaque, des maux de tête, des sauts de pression, des rougeurs ou une pâleur de la peau. Tous ces symptômes disent qu'une personne n'a pas suffisamment de ressources pour se faire face, et un soutenu léger des médicaments, qui est prescrit uniquement par le médecin, peut être nécessaire. Une consultation psychiatre est nécessaire pour ceux qui présentent de tels symptômes tels que la peur de la rue, les crises de panique, les explosions sans caution d'agression, les hallucinations, la présence d'idées délirantes, les pensées de suicide. En particulier, s'il y avait des cas de violence par rapport à soi-même ou aux autres, une forte attraction pour l'alcool ou les substances narcotiques.


It is better to contact a psychologist when it is not possible to deal with life problems, but there are no clinical manifestations. For example, when you do not understand yourself, your feelings and experiences, you cannot find meaning in life. When you have grief, problems with study, work, difficulties in relations with loved ones. A psychotherapist should contact a long-term traumatic situation to the appearance of pronounced psychosomatic symptoms, such as persistent sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, heart rhythm disturbances, headaches, pressure jumps, redness or pallor of the skin. All these symptoms say that a person does not have enough resources to cope himself, and mild drug support, which is prescribed only by the doctor, may be needed. A psychiatrist consultation is necessary for those who have such symptoms such as fear of the street, panic attacks, causeless outbursts of aggression, hallucinations, the presence of delusional ideas, thoughts of suicide. In particular, if there were cases of violence in relation to oneself or others, a strong attraction to alcohol or narcotic substances.

Si vous remarquez des problèmes qui interfèrent avec le plein live, vous devez contacter les spécialistes. Selon un problème spécifique, il est préférable d'aller chez un psychologue, un psychothérapeute ou un psychiatre.


If you notice problems that interfere with the full live, then you should contact specialists. Depending on a specific problem, it is better to go to a psychologist, a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

La santé mentale peut être violée pour diverses raisons: le stress prolongé, les problèmes familiaux, le chagrin personnel et même les lésions cérébrales traumatiques peuvent entraîner de tels problèmes. Ils apparaissent différemment à cause d'une simple diminution de l'estime de soi et d'une longue période de mauvaise humeur à la névrose et même à une maladie mentale. Il est important de comprendre que tous les sentiments et émotions désagréables ne sont pas un symptôme de la maladie. La peur, la colère, la tristesse de temps en temps sont vécues par quiconque. Cependant, si ces conditions interfèrent avec la vie, cela peut être un symptôme d'un problème psychologique. Par exemple, si vous remarquez une humeur déprimée pendant plus de deux semaines, ce qui semble être causé par quoi que ce soit. Ou quand une telle peur roule dans le métro que vous préférez aller à la destination pendant une heure de plus, mais seulement sur le sol. Lorsque vous ne pouvez pas dormir pendant quelques nuits de suite.


Mental health can be violated for various reasons: prolonged stress, family problems, personal grief, even traumatic brain injury can lead to such problems. They appear differently-from a simple decrease in self-esteem and a long period of poor mood to neurosis and even mental illness. It is important to understand that not all unpleasant feelings and emotions are a symptom of the disease. Fear, anger, sadness from time to time is experienced by anyone. However, if these conditions interfere with living, it can be a symptom of a psychological problem. For example, if you notice a depressed mood for more than two weeks, which seems to be caused by anything. Or when such fear rolls in the subway that you prefer to go to the destination for an hour longer, but only on the ground. When you cannot sleep for a few nights in a row.

Non. Le terme «santé mentale», comme le concept synonyme de «santé psychologique», concerne le bien-être spirituel d'une personne au sens large du terme. Si une personne est psychologiquement en bonne santé, elle peut pleinement profiter de la vie, ressentir le sens de son existence, faire face à des tâches professionnelles et autres, l'amour, le travail et établir des relations avec les autres. Et si cela ne peut pas être fait, alors nous pouvons dire qu'une personne est psychologiquement malsaine. Mais cela ne signifie pas du tout qu'il a des conditions graves du domaine de la grande psychiatrie: une bifurcation de personnalité, de paranoïa et autres.


No. The term “mental health”, like the synonymous concept of “psychological health”, concerns the spiritual well -being of a person in the broad sense of the word. If a person is psychologically healthy, he can fully enjoy life, feel the meaning of his existence, cope with professional and other tasks, love, work and build relationships with others. And if this cannot be done, then we can say that a person is psychologically unhealthy. But this does not mean at all that he has serious conditions from the field of great psychiatry: a bifurcation of personality, paranoia and the like.